Our Trip!

Follow the intrepid 6 ladies and 3 men from Cisco as they adventure deep into western Kenya. Will the orphanage ever be the same? I hope not, we're looking forward to new buildings and new skills learnt! Will we ever be the same, for sure not but it will enrich us and make us better people, friends and family members ;-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not long to go now – just 8 more sleeps as my son Connor would say!

Talking of which, it’s his 9th birthday today – he was very excited this morning – couldn’t get the little blighter to sleep last night. So we were woken up very early this morning for card & present opening – usual stuff for a 9yr... football gear & computer games! I started making a video which I’m going to take to the orphanage – I did the school run with Connor and went into his classroom to video a typical classroom morning (though recalling my school days it was very un-typical) - it was very quiet, even though it was pre-class; several of his mates were in “reading corner” with their heads stuck into their books! I was very impressed! So then of course it was my opportunity to embarrass Connor, and sing Happy Birthday :)

I’m making the video so I can show the children in Kosele the daily life of our son in school – Tania & I are sponsoring a boy called Stephen, and we want to share with him Connor’s typical morning – though of course he doesn’t have a birthday every day! Next week Tania’s going into school to talk to the children about what we’re trying to achieve, and take some video messages which we’ll be sharing with the children in Kosele. And equally we’ll be taking lots of video & photos at Kosele to bring back and share with children at Connor’s school – and of course with the blog readers!

The fundraising is going really well – we’ve already smashed our original target of £10,000, and now in typical Cisco stretch mentality are aiming for £20k – now that really would be amazing, especially with Cisco match-funding!! The charity will be able to do so so much with that – we’re hoping we can now build an additional classroom so more children can gain access to valuable and desperately needed education.

Anyway – enough of the serious stuff for a moment :) .... the other news is I’ve expanded! Yes, after 2 solid weeks on the road, for 15 nights in 3 different hotels from Miami to Dubai hosting customers - engaging in the odd glass/pint of the wine/beer, of course just from a social perspective you understand, I’ve literally ballooned - I have what you ladies call a muffin-top! So much so, that all the clothes I bought (well, 3 pairs of trousers to be precise) no longer get round my now perfectly shaped sphere of a belly!! What the ..! So what can be achieved in the 8 days left before I leave for Kosele? .... major healthy eating, exercise & drastic abstaining from alcohol is the only way forward! Fun fun fun :-/

Also, on the gadget & gizmo front the portfolio’s growing nicely; yesterday a present arrived from Tania.... “The Executioner TM”! It’s an “electronic fly, wasp, mosquito and bug zapping racket”! WOW, it’s brilliant!!! I’ve never been a dab hand at tennis, but I reckon I’m a Federer in the making :) Though one word of warning – I’ve noticed it does say “not a toy for children!” – is this something I really should be taking? I don’t care!! I’ll make sure it stays way out of reach of the kids and in my bedroom! Blinkin mozzies!! Whilst in Miami I managed to get a round of golf in, and before I could even hit a ball I was nearly eaten alive by teeny weenie insect vampire-type thingy’s! I must be their favourite dish – I swear I had over 50 bites in 10mins before I could spray myself. So I’m panicking about those blood-suckers in Kosele – should I invest in a burker?

That’s all for now bloggers – I send an update before we leave next Friday, and let you know the results of my fat smashing!


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